(2009) Conservative Party Cllr Bertha Joseph -SUSPENDED AMIDST FRAUD AND DISREPUTE

Councillor Bertha Joseph has been suspended as a councillor for six months following a decision last night (13 Oct 09) by Brent Council’s Standards Committee.

The committee met to consider allegations of breaches of the Councillor Code of Conduct by Councillor Joseph. The committee found that Councillor Joseph failed to register within 28 days receipt of gifts of cash from two local businesses amounting to £900 and recommended that Councillor Joseph pay the sum of £900 to the current Mayor’s charity. The committee also found that Councillor Joseph brought her office into disrepute and used her position as Mayor to gain an advantage for herself by obtaining sponsorship in the context of the Mayor’s Charity Ball which she used to buy clothes for her personal use.

One thought on “(2009) Conservative Party Cllr Bertha Joseph -SUSPENDED AMIDST FRAUD AND DISREPUTE

  1. Charles looks as if he’s thinking, “what country am I in again…?”


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